Meet the Governors

  • Mrs Cathy Grace


    Hello everyone
    I was appointed as Headteacher at Thornton Primary School in March 2021. I am extremely proud to work at Thornton Primary School and to be part of our aspirational community. Prior to my current role, I have been the Deputy Headteacher since 2017 and before that an Assistant Headteacher at Thornton which puts me in the very fortunate position of being a fully fledged member of our Thornton Family!

    It is a pleasure to work as part of a dedicated team striving to make Thornton Primary School the best, as well as a privilege to belong to such a caring school community. I welcome any comments you have to help us further improve on our journey to outstanding, and I can be found in the playground at the start and end of the day to ensure I can be accessible to parents/carers, and fully promote our 'open door' policy. Please come and say hello!

  • Mr Subat Khan

    Chair of Governors

    Chair of Governors and link Governor for Middle Leaders, as well as a member of the Pay Committee.

  • Mr Amjid Ali

    Vice-Chair of Governors

    Link Governor for Pupil Premium, and PE and Sport Premium, as well as a member of the Pay Committee.
    Meet Amjid Ali the Vice-Chair of Governors, a dedicated and visionary education enthusiast serving as the Chair of Governors at Thornton School. With a wealth of experience in leadership and passionate commitment to fostering an environment of excellence, I bring a dynamic blend of strategic insight and unwavering support to the school community.
    Driven by a profound belief in the transformative power of education, I really enjoy championing innovation, inclusivity and educational advancement. Their collaborative approach fosters a culture of empowerment amongst students, teachers and staff, ensuring that each individual has the opportunity to thrive and excel.
    Drawing from my professional background and a deep rooted commitment to educational excellence, I am dedicated to steering the school the school forward towards new horizons, encouraging creativity and nurturing an environment where every student's potential is not just recognized but celebrated.

  • Mrs Yasmin Begum

    Co-opted Governor

    Hello my name is Yasmin. I am a mother of two boys, one is here at Thornton. I am very fortunate and privileged to be part of the Governing body here at Thornton. I am very keen and eager to be part of a school which has come a long way in the last two years and also a school which forms the basis and foundation of so many careers.
    This saying was said to me when I was young and it has stuck with me. C .S Lewis once said “The task of a modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”
    We can create a school that exceeds the expectations of all the parents and the wider community of Ward end/Hodge hill. I am driven by the desire to get the best for all our children here at Thornton.

Please download the following document for further governor information at Thornton Primary School.
  • Mr Sajad Akram

    Co-opted Governor

    As a school leader with experience in both mainstream and independent schools, I felt it was imperative to use my skills and experience to help Thornton Primary become a beacon school for the community. I supported the RSE Working Party which helped the school further strengthen its relationship with parents and the wider community. As a parent, I feel indebted to the help the school has given my daughter who was part of the Thornton family up until July this year.
    Link Governor for safeguarding and attendance.

  • Ms Nahedah Yunis

    Parent Governor

    Link Governor for phonics, early reading and writing, and wellbeing.

  • Mr Haroon Akbar

    Parent Governor

    I am a parent governor at the school and joined the governing body in order to take further interest in the quality of education my children receive and to contribute to the further improvement of the education for all pupils at the school.

    I am a wealth management client account manager by profession and a father of 3 children. I enjoy partaking in various sports.
    Link Governor for health and safety.

  • Mr Sam Mason

    Staff Governor

  • Mrs Shaizana Khan

    Local Authority Governor

    Link Governor for Assessment and Pedagogy.

  • Mr Tharak Ahmed

    Co-opted Governor

  • Ms Jenny Steckles


    Hello Everyone.

    I am Clerk to the Governing Body and have been in post since September 2015. My experience as a clerk is wide and broad having clerked in both schools and academies within Birmingham. Coventry and Warwickshire for the last 15 years and gained the National Clerking Qualification. I ensure in conjunction with the Governors that they carry out their responsibilities within their Governance role as laid down by the Department of Education.