This policy sets out how we allocate places to children at Thornton.
Thornton Primary School is a Maintained Community Primary School that caters for children from 7-11 years old (Years 3-6). There is no legal admissions limit for pupils in Key Stage 2 classes however Governors are mindful of the additional workload that large classes can represent therefore a maximum admission number of 31 has been placed on each class in every year group.
The majority of Year 3 children are admitted from Sladefield Infant School each year (120 children).
Other children can be admitted in any year, at any time, when places are available. The School operates a comprehensive waiting list.
Applications for in-year admissions
- A request can be made for a place/places either directly to the school or via Birmingham City Council.
- A check is made on whether a place is available in the year group(s) requested.
- If the year group is full the request will be declined and the name of the child will be added to the school’s waiting list.
- If a place is available an appointment will be made for the family to have a tour of the school and to meet with a member of SLT.
- Should an interpreter be required then either a member of staff or an external translator will be provided for the meeting.
- Following the meeting a date will be set for admission to the school on the following Monday and parents/guardians will be asked to complete the Pupil Registration form and produce a copy of their child’s birth certificate. They will also be provided with any helpful materials they require.
- When a child leaves the school the admin staff will check the waiting list to see if any families are waiting for a place and apply the admission criteria. Families will then be contacted to see if they still require a place and the process will be followed from 4 onwards.
Please contact us on 0121 327 0824 to discuss the waiting list. Also, if you do find a school place elsewhere, then also let us know so that we can remove you from our list.
You MUST re-register your child on the waiting least at the start of each new academic year as waiting list details are destroyed at the end of each academic year.
If your child is on the waiting list you will be notified as soon as there is a vacancy. If your child is on the waiting list there are LA guidelines that the School has to follow. Your child will be placed in order of priority according to the following:
- Looked After Children - a child with a statement of Special Educational Needs or an EHC plan.
- Siblings (the child has brothers/sisters attending the School, or attending Sladefield Infant School)
- Proximity to the School
- Particular individual needs
- Children living outside the area.
Any parent is welcome to visit the School prior to requesting admission.
If you fail to gain a place at the School for your child you have the right to appeal through the Education Department.
For more information visit